Week 8 Highlights

This is the Brisbane North District that we 

work with.  The district Leader, Elder Addi,

is the tallest guy in the picture.  We love these

young missionaries and learn from their 

examples of faith and dedication to the Lord.

They are guileless and their spirits shine

forth in their countenances.  I'm not sure they

realize how powerful and sweet their spirits are.

If anyone they meet listens to them for a few minutes, they would know there is something special about

each of them.  It is undeniable.  

We have amazing sunrises(and sunsets) in Brisbane.  
We performed 3 musical numbers for the Pacific
Coordinating Council (PCC) this week.  I was pianist for the choir.  The PCC is the Mission Presidents in the Pacific Area, along with 4 general authorities, from left, Elder Meurs, Elder Nattress, Elder Nash 
(Executive Director of the Missionary Department), and Elder Wakolo.  All the Mission Presidents and
their wives from the Pacific Area were at the Brisbane Marriott for training for several days.
Here we are in the beautiful stairwell of the Marriott Brisbane.  From top left, Sis. Burt, Mission office

secretary, Sis. Bennett, Mission medical, Sis. Greenhalgh, WSR missionary and newly retired MoTab

member.  Second row from top, Sis McCall, former Mission Nurse, Sis. Munroe, MLS missionary,

and Sis. Wiedmeier, current Mission nurse.  The front row, Sis. Ray, Service Missionary Leader, and 

myself.  It was a wonderful experience to meet the mission presidents and the General Authorities.

The church is in excellent hands!!  

We are at one of our favorite restaurants near the temple called Joeys.  It is right on the Brisbane River.

The Greenhalghs serve as Welfare and SElf-Reliance missionaries with us-they cover the southern half of the mission and we cover the northern half.  We work together to train the Stakes,wards, and districts of the Australia Brisbane Mission in Welfare and Self Reliance.  We love working with the Greenhalghs.

We begin teaching Institute this week along with facilitating for a Pathway class.  This is new territory for us and we are looking forward to working with the students!  Online teaching is a new platform for us!

We loved being able to watch General Conference earlier this week.  We miss seeing it live, but we are able to watch it online.  I listen to the latest general conference every morning as I prepare for the day and love hearing the speakers inspirational messages.  Great start for our busy days!

I am so grateful for the prayers and well wishes of all our friends and family!  Thank you and as one of the Institute teachers said this week, "Love ya guts"!  : )


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