Week 6

Since our area of responsibility covers 5 stakes and 1 district, we spend a lot of time on the road.  In six weeks we have put 4000km on our brand new mission car.  I navigate, Dale drives (on the left hand side of the road).

Brisbane sunset from Joey's restaurant.  Idyllic!
Wallaby on the church grounds!

Sis. Aukosa (one of 14 missionaries in our district) returns to Auckland, NZ this week.  We will miss her sweet spirit, leadership, and example!  She is on the right of Elder Peterson.  Sis. Unasa will stay and get a new companion this week.
How many Aussie insects can you find?
Easy to imagine Tarzan just out of frame!  Jungle typical of Australia

Oh,  but I am mistaken--here is Tarzan walking on the jungle floor....!  

We love serving here in Australia!  The people are kind, loving, and good.  Miracles are happening daily in our mission.  The Lord's hand is in this work, this is our testimony.


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