The Garden of Eden

Australia never fails to amaze us with the colorful and often unusual flora (and fauna).  This is in our neighborhood.  Those flower bracts are really unusual!

Brisbane Botanical Garden is amazing!  We loved walking through just a bit of it.  We had to hike down Mt. Coot-tha to get there.  We hiked 7 miles that day!  How do you like Elder Peterson's Aussie hat?!
It's a jungle out here!  Saturdays are our prep day and it is nice to be able to wear casual clothing😁

The flowers and the foliage!!

We saw this beauty on the hiking trail to the botanical gardens.  He was about 3 feet long.

The highlight of the day was seeing these two King parrots, male and female!  They were above us in the trees.  Beautiful colors, not very chatty, though.  Maybe cause we were there!

Above is the district of missionaries we serve with;  Brisbane North District!  We love them and learn from them many lessons of love and devotion to the Lord.  As we celebrate Easter, our hearts are grateful for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Through Him, we have no need to fear, we have purpose in our lives, and we do not need to carry sin and remorse for the Atonement helps us to heal and to move forward towards our Heavenly Home with Him.  We are grateful to serve with these valiant spirits and to be able to serve for Heavenly Father!


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