Week 5-Groundhog's Day

This is across the street from our flat (that's Aussie for apartment).  Many types of birds live here or stop by.  We've seen the ever popular crows, Australian magpies, kookaburas, lorakeets, cockatoos, and many others we haven't identified yet.  They begin singing very early in the morning, before 5 am because it begins to lighten up before then.   

Mt. Coot-tha is the highest point in the city of Brisbane.  If you look closely you can see the Brisbane River that winds through this beautiful city.  There are around 2.6 million people here!  Those from Sydney and Melbourne think Brisbane is country.  PEople from Brisbane think Sydney and MElbourne are way too big as far as cities,  and rude to boot.  We will get a chance to see what Sydney is like since there will be a Welfare and Self-Reliance MEeting there in May.  We are excited to see a bit of Sydney and are sure it will be too short of a visit. 
As WSR Missionaries, part of our assignment is to help young single adults onto a career path.  This is a "button" we will be able to give them with a QR code on the back that leads to a website to get them started.
We also help train Stake presidency councils so they can offer WSR classes (12 weeks of 2 hour classes) to their members or non-members; classes such as How to Start and Build a Business, Emotional Resilience, Financial Management, Nutrition and Physical Wellness, and many others.
How did this picture get in here?!  hehe!  This is Lettie Spaghetti waving to us from her dining room in Arizona.  We miss her and all our family!  

We feel it a privilege to be able to serve full-time for the Lord and helping Him bring to pass His purposes in Australia.  Pictures of the district of missionaries we serve will come next week.  Transfers are coming and we will lose some missionaries and gain some missionaries.  This group has been very kind and loving and we will be sad to see them move to other areas in the Brisbane mission.  We've learned so much from them about loving service, obedience, patience, and gratitude. 

Love to all our friends and family!  

P.S.  I have had a mild case of Covid--so mild that I fear I was wandering around not knowing that was what was making me feel off!  Anyway, the fever is gone, I am regaining health, and now we are hoping Dale does not get it again!  It would be 4th time around for him!!  This is 3rd time for me.  booo.  Anyway, carry on, nothing of interest on this topic!  : )


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