Week 3 Brisbane

We're settled in now and are starting to explore this beautiful part of Australia in which we are serving.  This is from the last week or two, but it was a shot of the city from our mass transit catamaran at night.  The bridges light up and have a wardrobe of colors they can dawn.  Plus, if the buildings want to become part of the night time light show, they can pay a fee and do so.  The rumor is that the bridges and buildings try to coordinate.  Not sure if that is true  or not--it was beautiful this night for sure!

After sunset at Pine River.  In the very top of the river you can see a bridge..That is the M1--a major motorway (freeway) into the city.  The tide is out right now.

So many flowers here and they all bloom freely.  It's the end of summer and they are all flowering profusely.  There are frangipani, too, which are plumeria in the southwest USA.  They smell heavenly.  The flowers pictured above are not frangipani, but some other popular bush.  Bougainvilla are here, too, and many more colorful flowers.  
Birds galore here and even large fruit bats that look like Halloween bats!  Cockatoos, cockatiels, parrots, crocodiles, lorakeets, koalas, kangaroo, and on and on.  Snakes of all varieties.  Over 200 varieties of mosquito and only 7 like humans.  I'm sure I will get bitten by one of those 7 varieties sooner or later.  I hope to never meet any of the snakes.

We also are assigned a missionary district, where we support the missionaries in the district (14 of them) and help them with their flats (apts), cars, etc.etc.  We love these young people are learning so much from them about diligence, obedience, commitment, and love for others.  OUstanding group of missionaries, dedicated in their service to the Lord.  We enjoy these young missionaries and serving them.

We don't start teaching institute or Pathway for another month but already have some kids signed up.  Trying to visit all the stakes (5) under our responsibility and a district up north quite a ways.  

We love you all and are so grateful for your support and kind words!  Serving the Lord full-time is rewarding and a blessing in our lives.  This week we have Senior MIssionaries conference  for the Brisbane Australia Mission and we will take more pictures.  God bless everyone!!


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