Prep Day fun

 We concluded week 2 of our mission with an outing to South Bank, via the mass transit "CityCat", which is a catamaran, and a fast one!  Dale said 2 diesel engines and it was passing up yachts on the Brisbane River.  The captains were amazing.  Had those dockings down to an art.  

THat's the city of Brisbane in the background, Dale in the foreground.  Our return trip on the Citycat was after sunset and the whole city was lit up, including the 6 bridges that cross the Brisbane River.  We even saw a guy dressed up as spider man on a mini-hydrofoil/shortboard thing.  HOpe he doesn't fall off--bull sharks in the river upwards of 400 of those carnivores!

Before I get further, I don't think I posted this pic of us helping at an ESL class in Sunnybank.  It's like a little Asia area, but Australia is so diverse in general.  WE are loving it!  Many Pacific Islanders, which makes for lots of warm and loving influences.  
Sister Greenhalgh and I in the botanical gardens near South Bank, an area filled with tourists, art, and craftsman booths.  So much fun!  The Greenhalghs are also doing WSR with us.  WSR= Wealfare and Self Reliance.  They are education specialists.  We are generic.
More of our happy group on this excursion:  From left, Sis. Pullen, mission finances, me, Sis. Burt, mission secretary, Sis. Wiedmeier, mission nurse, and Sis. Greenhalgh (former mo-tabs singer and her voice is so beautiful!)
Spider Lily, ala Brisbane, Australia
More eye candy from the botanical gardens- Inverted lobster claws.

We're still learning the ropes here and I think we have finished most if not all the bureaucratic and not so pleasant tasks.  We are getting to know the young missionaries in our district (each senior couple is assigned a district) and serving them.  They are a wonderful group of dedicated, sweet spirited young people.  We love them already!!  Driving on the left hand side is still a bit of a grind.  We've already put on 1000 km on the car (in 2 weeks).  That's 600 miles in USA terms.  

We are enjoying serving the Lord full-time.  It does mean long days, but the long days mean sleeping hard!  So that's a good thing!!  We've had many opportunities to talk to people about the church and it is exciting!  The members here are strong and so good.  It is a pleasure to meet them and get to know them.
Love to you all!  We do miss our homeland, but Australia is truly amazing, it's people, it's culture.  The Lord loves his saints here!


  1. Sounds like a fabulous week! You are even getting to see some of the sights! How wonderful! Except the bull sharks...not so wonderful. Don't fall in the water!


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