Exciting week

This week was Senior MIssionary Conference here in Brisbane.  Missionary couples hosted other missionary couples for the few days of the conference.  We hosted the Smiths who are from Townsville, one of the districts north of us ( 3 days drive) along the eastern coast.  The Smiths treated us to dinner at the Lighthouse restauarant.  We are looking at a crustacean called a "bug".  We had to sample it.  Kind of looked like a horseshoe crab.  We were all unfamiliar with this seafood beauty.  It tasted better than it looked.

Here is my friend, Janet, also a WSR missionary, eating the fabulous food prepared for us by another Senior Missionary couple for all the senior missionaries in the mission!  Honestly, we could not have had a more delicious meal anywhere else in the whole of Brisbane!!  Beautiful home, live piano music, wonderful company, a truly great way to kick off the conference.

Our Mission President on the far right, Pres. Vongsawad, with Elder Bond (next left), in charge of housing, Elder PEterson (WSR, next on left), and Elder Speight (MLS Rockhampton).
We were able to do a sealing session as Senior Missionaries that week, too.
These trees are everywhere in Brisbane and they are vibrant purple!
Check out these koala earrings that I indulged myself with!  I know my grandgirls are jealous!!

We were uplifted by the instructions and talks we had over this week.  This mission has amazing senior couple missionaries; all dedicated, loving, and pure in heart.  The young missionaries are no exception to this, kind, good-hearted, anxious to do the Lord's will.  We are learning so much from them about love, serving others, and dedication to the Lord.  


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